Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Angels room makeover

When I found out our temporary living here is becoming more permanent, that I originally thought, I was very upset and homesick. After while I decided it`ll be better to occupy my mind with something creative. Thanks to my Grandma I always crocheted, knitted and cross stitched, so I started to make our home more homely. With help of my little Angel, I started with dressing up her room into brighter colours.

In one Charity store I found pink Manchester Curtains-150cm x 250cm, 2 pieces, together cost me around £3. I had to buy it.
On first pillowcase I put Union Jack, using ribbons and left over cotton fabric I found at home.
I put hearts on second pillowcase. I found very nice hart shapes in Angels colouring books- just copy it on fabric and saw on pillowcase-using bits of fabric from home supplies.
Third pillowcase was more my cup of my tea, since I’m not master of the needle. Again a Union Jack motive, I bought a crochet pattern I liked from Ravelry.
The pattern for "V-stitch" blanket I found on Sucrette blog and it turned out beautifully. Not exactly my choice of colours, since I’m rather conservative, but my little Angel put them together, the way she likes it. After all who am I? - Her room, her choice.

I was so excited working with that pink fabric, that I sewed curtains under Angels bed from it as well. It provides nice storage space for toys (she’s got to have some special spell to make the toys multiply over night, I don’t understand where we got so many) and it looks different than all the curtains you can buy. I secured them with Velcro, so they can be washed. For the opening we came up with something special. At first I like to put strings of crochet balls or pom-poms there, but I figured out, that wouldn`t be safe or practical enough. On Ravelry I found some squares, adjusted them little bit to my needs, crocheted them together, and now I’m working on it. Originally they should be only pink, but on the picture below, as you can see, I was outvoted again. I'll keep you posted on our progress.

My Angel didn’t like to get rid of her baby chair, so I tried to dress it up little. That pink fabric seems to be endless. The round chair is standard Ikea model - I cover it with crochet circle shape with little flowers.

This picture is little bit “tired” already, but my Dad brought it to me from one of his business trip to Paris, when I was around five years old, just like Angel is now. So it’s got special place in her room.

What to say now? Just thank you Lucy from Attic24 for a fantastic tutorial - "Happy flower decoration".

This picture is from my crosstitching days. We all need some sort of protection sometimes.

After I saw so many beautiful ripple blankets, I had to start one by myself. Yes I’m not that adventurous with colours, but so far I like it.

Thank you for visiting and reading. I like to show you along the way, that there isn’t only Prague or Vienna in this part of the World, but many other interesting places in the countryside, lovely towns and people who are trying to keep up the old traditions even in these busy modern days. I will keep you posted as often as I can.

Bye bye for now. See you soon.

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