Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Spring is starting

It looks like the spring is finally starting in here.
On the way back from nursery we found some violets and snowdrops. What a pity you can’t smell them - very nice. One feels better right away.

The snowdrops are looking little bit sleepy, but they are coming.

For the Spring and Summer I made this net shawl. I choose this grey/blue color, because it looks like the sky, these days – blue with white and grey clouds. And since most of the mummies are living in jeans it should be easy to match with most things in their wardrobe.

Simple blue shawl pattern
Size 190cm x 90cm (cca 76’’ x 36’’)

You need: (for this size shawl)
I used 250g of soft acrylic baby yarn suitable for E/3,5 mm hook, but I used a little bit bigger crochet hook than suggested - H/5mm, as it made the shawl fluffier.
Yarn Needle, marker

Terms/Abbreviations: I used US terminology
ch    chain
slst   slip stitch
sc     single crochet
dc    double crochet
st      stitch
beg   beginning

Row 1: ch 5, dc into 5th ch from the hook, ch1, dc in same, ch1, dc in same, ch1, dc in same.

Row 2: Turn, ch4, dc into base of ch4, ch1, dc in next dc from previous row, ch1, dc-ch1-dc-ch1-dc in next dc from previous row, ch1, dc in next dc from previous row, ch1, dc-ch1-dc into 4th ch from starting row.

Repeat this simple pattern. All together I did 60 rows. Your shawl can be as big or small as you like, by adjusting the amount of rows.



Slst. join the yarn in the corner, ch6, 2dc crochet together into 3rd ch from the hook, ch2, slst into same st as dcs, ch3, skip one window, slst into next window.

It works nicely for the middle windows as well.

I made row of these bubbles or edgings, if you would like to, in 20th and 40th row as well.
And there it is very simple blue/grey shawl.

If you come up with any problems or difficulties, write to me, I’ll be more than happy to help.
Have nice weekend and start of the springtime


  1. Great shawl! Thanks for the pattern.
    Have a good we. Alina

  2. Great shawl! Thanks for the pattern.
    Have a good we. Alina

  3. is both pictures at the show the same I think it's beautiful learn how to crochet I'm grandmother an opt out my niece a crochet my daughter my youngest grandson how to chain
