Saturday, January 3, 2015

Granny power

The New Year wellcomed us here with a little bit of snow. Not much, but enough to make my Angel very happy. We even talked Daddy into taking his business suit off, and spending a couple of hours out of his very busy working schedule with us. We celebrated New Year by sledging.

And now, back to the crocheting. I can reveal some of the shawls I made as Christmas gifts. I like making shawls very much. I’m searching around all the time for some new models.
I found this French shawl very romantic.

And this pineapple shawl really got me. I found it very difficult to give it away.

The Prayer shawl on the picture is very precious to me. I started to make it a few years back for my grandma’s 100th birthday. She was born when Czech Republic was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Emperor-King was Habsburg Franz Joseph 1st. Unbelievable!
She was one of the reasons I agreed to return back and live in Czech Republic for a while. Unfortunately she never got to see it. She died peacefully at age 99 years and seven months. I finished it anyhow and I treasure it dearly.

This is the Women who gave me so much. Words cannot say how much. On this picture there are 95 years between Grandma and my little Angel. 
I’m getting little emotional right now, but in a nice way.

This brings me to the Granny shawls or wraps I have made so far.
There are lots of patterns online, and they are all very versatile. I just like to add my personal touch.

Granny shawl pattern

You need: 
Any Yarn of your choice
Suitable crochet hook (I prefer to use little bit bigger hook than suggested. It’s makes the shawl fluffier)
Yarn Needle 

Terms/Abbreviations:  (I used US terminology)
ch    chain 
slst   slip stitch
sk    skip 
sc    single crochet
dc    double crochet 
st     stitch 
beg   beginning
pic    picot (ch3, slst into 3rd ch from the hook)

Start with magic ring or ch 4, slst into first ch
Row 1: ch3, 2dc’s – ch1 – 3dc’s in the ring, turn 
Row 2: ch3, 2dc’s in the base of first ch, ch 1, 3dc’s – ch1 – 3dc’s in ch1 from previous row, ch1, 3dc’s into 3rd ch of the turning ch, turn
Row 3: ch3, 2dc’s in the base of first ch, ch 1, 3dc’s, ch1, 3dc’s – ch1 – 3dc’s in middle ch1 from previous row, ch1, 3dc’s, ch1, 3dc’s into 3rd ch of the turning ch, turn
Row 4 - ?: Continue the same way until you reach your desirable size.

For the border I usually use little picots, or I just sc around the shawl. You may also use straps as well. Whatever suites your particular project. You can even maybe come up with something even more interesting.
So there it is. Granny shawl, and in moderation this pattern can be used for all sorts of projects.

Evan this beautiful granny poncho pattern I had to try. As you can see, it was liked. 
I have done two so far, but I’m sort of counting with doing one every two years. Depending on how quickly my Angel will grow.

My last project is Hearts shawl, but a knitted one. I have to admit it’s a bit difficult for me since I’m really a crocheter, but when I saw the pattern I had to try. So far it’s coming along nicely.

I’m looking forward to share with you many more project this year. Take care in the New Year and enjoy it.


  1. Thank you for sharing your Granny Power shawl. All of your things shown are beautiful.
