Friday, January 9, 2015

Wraps, cowls, hats

Hello everybody
Today I would like to continue showing you  the wraps, cowls, scarfs and hats I made earlier.

I found this Ripple wrap and really liked the colours. It does have grayish colour in it, and I don’t know why I’m using gray so much. Some people can say the colour itself is well, a little bit boring. But in combination with any other colour is interesting to use. And after all, there is not one shade of gray. I simply like it. And it suits me. At least that what I think.
What I like about this wrap pattern, is that it can be used for all sorts of other things. Blankets for example.

My mum bought new coat and needed scarf to go with it. I came up with this model. I liked making it, because it went very fast and learned, for me, a new stitch.

Last year I found that I had a lot of thick yarn hidden all over my house. Since it can get very cold in this part of Europe, hats and cowls are always handy.
All the hats are made based on “bucket hat“ pattern from Ravelry.

The cowls are made with a simple stitch, as you can see on the picture.
You just have to decide, how big it should be, and then make a long row of chain stitches. An even amount.
The cowls are worked in a circular crochet method. Slip stitch join at the end of each round. Don’t turn, but continue in same direction.

The Rainbow scarf I liked so much, I had to make a slouchy hat to go with it.

Mohair 140meters/155yards – 50grams/1.8oz
Crochet hook J/6mm (I used a little bit bigger hook than suggested. It’s makes the slouchy fluffier)
Crochet hook G/4mm (for the border)
Yarn Needle
Elastic thread (on the picture)

Terms/Abbreviations: I used US terminology
ch             chain
slst           slip stitch
sk             skip
sc             single crochet
dc            double crochet
st             stitch
beg          beginning
* * rep     repeat
2dctog.    crocheting 2 dc’s together

Pattern notes: The hat is worked in circular crochet method, beginning at the top center of the hat, and ending up with edge of hat. Slip stitch join at end of each round. Don’t turn, but continue in same direction.

Hat (6mm hook)
Start with magic ring or ch 4, slst into first ch
Row 1: ch3, 11dc’s into ring, slst. (12dc’s)
Row 2: ch3, dc in same dc, 2dc’s into next 11 dc’s, slst. (24dc’s)
Row 3: ch3, dc in same dc, dc, *2dc’s into next dc, dc into next dc * rep., slst. (36dc’s)
Row 4: ch3, dc in same dc, dc into next 2dc, *2dc’s into next dc, dc into next 2dc * rep., slst. (48dc’s)
Row 5: ch3, dc in same dc, dc into next 3dc, *2dc’s into next dc, dc into next 3dc * rep., slst. (60dc’s)
Row 6: ch3, dc in same dc, dc into next 9dc, *2dc’s into next dc, dc into next 9dc * rep., slst. (66dc’s)
Row 7: ch3-dctog. in same dc, ch1, sk dc, *2dctog into next dc, ch1, sk dc* rep., slst.
(33 2dctog. with ch1 between)
Row 8 – 16: repeat row 7
Row 17: ch1, 2sc in each ch space from previous row (66sc’s)
Now it’s the time to add the elastic thread and crochet together with the yarn
Row 18 – 21: ch1, sc into each sc (66sc’s)

For the border I changed the hook for size 4mm. I like using the elastic thread. You cannot see it, and it holds the hat firmly and comfortably on the head. Secure and tidy up the loose ends.
And there it is. Simple slouchy hat, which is matching my shawl. In moderation this pattern can be used for all sorts of projects.
If you come up with any problems or difficulties, write to me, I’ll be more than happy to help.

I’m not neglecting my existing ongoing projects. I’m just working slower than I thought. There are so many more patterns on my mind, I’d like to try, but first things first.
Rainbow ripple
Even not finished it is getting used by my Angel.
Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to use for border.

Hearts shawl
I’m getting there. And it did get easier as I got to repeat the pattern over and over.

Have nice weekend

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